Wednesday 19 December 2018

Fractal Christmas Cards

A fractal is a pattern that repeats at different scales, and examples are all around us.

In between painting the Mona Lisa and designing flying machines, Leonardo Da Vinci occasionally got outside and looked up every now and again. Because he was Da Vinci, the moment he did, he discovered a new natural law. This one was about trees, and after five hundred years, scientists are still trying to figure out why the law worked in the first place.

Leonardo Da Vinci was the first to accurately describe trees' branching rules. He created sketches of trees in a page of his notebook based on the rule that daughter branches and twigs have the same combined cross-sectional area as the branch from which they originated.

A nice idea to introduce pupils to fractals by allowing them to create xmas cards. Students made a 3-dimensional fractal cutout card by repeating a simple process of cutting and folding. They could turn their cutout into a fractal popup greeting card, decorate it artistically. And when we're done, it looks like a Christmas tree. Which makes it a most excellent holiday card! 

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