Friday, 26 April 2019

Open Door Day in Leonardo's workshops 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci death / Dzień otwartych drzwi w warsztatach Leonarda

The Erasmus+ Project STEAM like Leonardo was presented during The Open Door Day at Polish school and celebrated 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci death. The students took the future students for wonderful journey to the Leonardo’s times. The future students visited eight Bottegas completing tasks about Leonardo’s life and work.

Firstly, they picked up some basic information about his life watching the animated video and filled the gaps In the worksheet. Later they observed his 3D inventions  using Virtual Exhibition Application.
Also visitors could try building origami Platonic solids and see them using AR tool. Another task was to make a self supporting bridge with no mechanical fasteners or adhesives based on one of Leonardo Da Vinci's designs.

In Anatomy Bottegas student checked  if they were Vitruvian men an studied circulatory system using Virtuali -Tee Application. 
In Art Bottega like Leonardo, students  prepared their own  tempera paint with natural ingredients which they used to paint pieces of Mona Lisa picture. 

Each student who completed all tasks received the prize and title to be a Leonardo expert.    

Thursday, 25 April 2019

The Lecture Codes of Leonardo da Vinci

Some of us took take part in the lecture entitled Codes of Leonardo da Vinci in Toruń. We found it very interesting.  During this meeting we could hear  some unknown facts about his life and work. The lecturer told us some myths which are said about Leonardo,  for example  people  say that he used his mirror-writing to hide some heretic information but the fact is that  he could write with two hands.

Also we didn’ t know before that he wanted to create  his own  alphabet for deaf people. In our opinion the most interesting part of the lecture  was about codes  hidden in his paintings. The lecturer analyzed Leonardo’ s pictures showing  some  fascinating details.
After this lecture we realized that Leonardo was an  undisputable genius with unlimited imagination.

Friday, 5 April 2019

Leonardo - the anatomist

The drawings show that Leonardo did more than dabble in the sciences; he carried out experiments and made staggering medical discoveries which could have transformed the study of anatomy in Europe

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Leonardo da Vinci - The Anatomist tasks/ Leonardo da Vinci - anatom - Zadania

Leonardo da Vinci became an expert in the anatomy of the human body, studying it in detail and creating hundreds of drawings to help explain his thoughts.

According to the STEAM perspective you have to work on Leonardo the anatomist looking for how the body anatomy works. You have to prove that Science Technology Physics Engineering Arts and Maths are necessary to explain how the body functions.

Referring to the areas below each international group has to choose one task and work in the forum to achieve the aim(s).
  • you have to work in international groups choosing one or two tasks
  • go to the chosen area and add your name under the column into the padlet to choose the team or the bottega you are cooperating with.

Theoretical + Art tasks - anatomy precision in modern sketching 

Task 1. Students have to describe hand’s or heart’s anatomy focusing on the vocabulary (the names of bones, muscles, nerves and joints in the human hand).using the website genially 

Task 2. Drawing or using a digital sketch program students have to model the hand's or the heart’s structure or make an art interpretation of the hand given the information gathered in task 1. 

Task 3. What can you find about this in the Leonardo Codes ? Students have to compare the info they learnt in the Leonardo Codes with their own model producing presentations or just drawing a copy of Leonardo’s version. 

Task 4. How does the hand or the heart work? Looking at your Physics book and/or asking your Physics teacher, explain the physics rules we need to catch an object or to pump the blood (You can use also the following links : ...) 

 Please write your name and country.

Zrobione przy pomocy aplikacji Padlet
Practical tasks - modelling 
How does the human hand or heart work? Make a model of the hand (from the wrist to the finger tips) or the heart using all the materials from your school, from your own home or just using the material you are able to use.
Task 1. The model has to be able to move one finger.
Task 2. The model has to be able to grab an object.
Task 3: Let the model make a movement of your choice.
Expansion task:  Add the blood circulation in the model.
Task 4: Compare the structure and the function of vertebrate limbs. Students can create visual presentations to show similarities and differences

Task 5: How does the heart pump the blood ? Make a model of a heart pumping blood using all the materials from your school, from your own home or just using the material you are able to use.
Each international group has to work to build one of the part of the craft. In the third mobility in Romania the groups are going to assemble all the pieces to finish the Model.

Zrobione przy pomocy aplikacji Padlet

Seminarium dla wizytatorów Kuratorium Oświaty w Bydgoszczy

9 listopada 2022 r. w X Liceum Ogólnokształcącym im. prof. Stefana Banacha w Toruniu odbyło się Seminarium dla wizytatorów Kuratorium Oświat...