Friday, 17 May 2019

Heart Anatomists

We were working in the 3 international groups. Our groups explored the circulatory system: heart chambers, valves, its blood vessels, pericardium, blood circulation, heart tissues, heart work and we finished with some interesting facts about the human heart. We found out that the heart has a really complicated structure as you can see in our presentation. 

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Building the models of the human hand

We built many  models of the human hands to achieve the best effects as possible. It was an inspiring but demanding experience for us.Firstly, we use cardboard, straws and string as the material to build our models as you can see in the picture/video. But there were some difficulties to grab objects and in hand’s movements  so we had to do some improvements to make the thumb work oppositely to the other parts of the hand. So we prepared another model with the string, as a tendon, placed on the  outer surface of  the thumb. Consequently it  brought great results. The hand worked more precisely and easily. 

Secondly to improve the flexibility of our models we experimented with silicon as the material and also place two rows of strings – one outside the hand and the second one into the silicon. Here you can see the final effects of our efforts.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Human anatomy - activities in our school

To be like Leonardo we wanted to broaden our knowledge about the human anatomy. We took part in two anatomy workshops led by our biology teacher.

The first workshop was devoted to the circulatory system. We were talking about the human heart structure, its valves and blood vessels. We also discussed about blood circulation in the human body. 

During the second workshop we focused on the hand anatomy. We studied human hand in details. Mostly we explored the skeleton of the hand - names and numbers of bones. We also talked about its parts and functioning.
The last task taught us how to distinguish skeleton bones. We were talking about for types of bones - long, flat, short and irregular. We found their examples analyzing human skeleton. Finally, we used this knowledge to classify  particular hand bones.

We found these workshops very interesting and challenging. Besides knowing more about the human body anatomy we also picked up some useful English vocabulary never used before.

Human anatomy workshops in our school on Biteable.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Hand and heart sketches

Being inspired by Leonardo’s anatomic sketches during our art classes we drew heart and hand skeleton sketches. We wanted to be as precise as Leonardo was. We also could use our knowledge we got during Anatomy workshops about heart and hand skeleton. We put a huge effort in our works and Some of our sketches are very similar to Leonardo’s. Here you can see the results.

Seminarium dla wizytatorów Kuratorium Oświaty w Bydgoszczy

9 listopada 2022 r. w X Liceum Ogólnokształcącym im. prof. Stefana Banacha w Toruniu odbyło się Seminarium dla wizytatorów Kuratorium Oświat...