Thursday, 20 February 2020

Leonardo - the inventor Task 2: The wind mind map

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Building an anemometer / Budujemy wiatromierz

Students created their own anemometers — instruments for measuring wind speed. They also learnt about different types of anemometers.

Monday, 10 February 2020

Projectile motion workshop

Today the students have looked at the relationship that launch angle plays with projectile motion. Students used the PhET simulator for projectiles to design and conduct their own experiment.

 The students were introduced to the concept of projectile motion, of which they are often familiar from life experiences, such as playing sports like basketball and baseball, even though they may not understand the physics involved. Understanding projectile motion is important to many engineering designs and this workshop was important as the students will take part in the catapult challenge.

The goal was to find the speed and position of the thrown body, describe the trajectory and determine the range of the throw, to understand and explain the parabolic motion of a thrown object, known as projectile motion. They have become familiar with the relationship between launch angle and range.

In the experiment, thyy changed the angle of a cannon, the initial velocity, the mass and saw how they affect the distance a cannonball travels. They could also fired various objects out of a cannon.

In the films you can find the results.

Seminarium dla wizytatorów Kuratorium Oświaty w Bydgoszczy

9 listopada 2022 r. w X Liceum Ogólnokształcącym im. prof. Stefana Banacha w Toruniu odbyło się Seminarium dla wizytatorów Kuratorium Oświat...