Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Zostaję w domu / I stay at home

A very important message from our youngsters form Belgium, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain (Catalonia) taking part in Erasmus+ project STEAM like Leonardo.Please spread the word !! #ISTAYatHOME #SteamlikeLeonardo

Bardzo ważne przesłanie od młodych z Belgii, Włoch, Polski, Rumunii i Hiszpanii (Katalonia) biorących udział w projekcie Erasmus+ STEAM like Leonardo.#ZostajęWDomu

Saturday, 7 March 2020

Dzień 6 Sobota / Saturday, 7th March 2020

The guests participants woke up early to leave Aalst behind, with a lot of wonderful and awesome memories.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Dzień 5 Piątek / Friday, 6th March 2020

The day began with the second round of the FabLab, the workshop on vinylin and laser cutting procedure and the catapult making procedure following some specific instructions to draw, cut and assemble it.

The second part of the day was a sport activity at Sports Centre Schotte where the participants could hike and hunt each other with bows and special arrows.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Dzień 4 Czwartek / Thursday, 5th March 2020

The participants went to Bruges where they could work on a catapult challenge using various materials and equipment in MaM workshop.

While solving the stages of the task, the participants could brainstorm on the most effective ways of assembling the materials provided for getting a creative device similar to catapults which were supposed to break a brick wall.

The second workshop involved them in a discovery mission of Bruges using an online app, Super Sam, while performing different tasks and being scored for those they could accomplish properly.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Dzień 3 Środa / Wednesday, 4th March 2020

The day was dedicated to two exciting activities: FabLab workshop on vinylin and laser cutting procedure. The participants printed figures and shapes connected to the topic on T-shirts or plywood.

The other part of the participants, split in international groups, worked together to design a catapult, using all kind of techniques to get the final product: drawing, cutting with hand and electric saw cutting machine, assembling the pieces with special equipment.

The Egg Contest allowed the participants to prove their abilities to design creative devices which protected the egg put inside not to be broken after landing procedure.

In the evening a tour in Gent was the final activity of the day which provided valuable information about the history of the community.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Dzień 2 Wtorek / Tuesday, 3rd March 2020

In the morning the participants left Aalst and went to Mechelen for an experiential and learn by doing 2 hour sesssion at Technopolis Center. A lot of experiments connected to the project topic, STEAM, could be done in a pleasant and inspiring educational evironment.

In the afternoon the partners visited Brussels where they could explore the city center and get in touch with the most relevant aspects of the culture and the history of the community along the centuries.

Monday, 2 March 2020

Dzień 1 Poniedziałek / Monday, 2nd March 2020

The partners met at the school for the official meeting with the school management staff.
After visiting the school facilities, the international groups presented their tasks on topics such as: design thinking, airborne and the catapult challenge.
On the second part of the day the participants were warmly welcomed by the deputy mayor of Aalst in the town hall building.

The guests found out some remarkable events linked to the community development of the last years, the place where they were going to spend a week-long programme.
The last activity of the day was an urban golf contest played in a round in different places of the city, an exciting opportunity to discover the surroundings.

Sunday, 1 March 2020

C5- Visit to Aalst - travelling day

The partners arrived in Aalst on 1st March, exticited for what was going to happen for the next days.
The parents were happy to meet their guests during the mobility.

Seminarium dla wizytatorów Kuratorium Oświaty w Bydgoszczy

9 listopada 2022 r. w X Liceum Ogólnokształcącym im. prof. Stefana Banacha w Toruniu odbyło się Seminarium dla wizytatorów Kuratorium Oświat...